
Liza Kuzyakova is a composer, multimedia artist, performer and researcher based in The Netherlands. Weaving a thread of inspiration from experimental theatre practices, her current research relates to dramatically unfolding space in electroacoustic music, the creation of often surreal fictional realms, and an investigation of ruin as a metaphor for sonic material.  

Liza has collaborated with numerous creators and has presented her works in a variety of contexts including acousmatic concerts, contemporary dance, performances, short films, and exhibitions such as Gaudeamus Festival, Rewire Festival, NDT, iii, Grey Space in the Middle, Buda BXL, WEST Den Haag.

Her solo project Sáof evolves around noise/drone/power electronics, and she is part of an industrial/noise project Tselem Enosh with Amos Peled
Photo by Amos Peled, Germany, 2022


Al Niente. A Song From a Pasrt Time I-III (8ch & cello) [composition]
Yesh me’Ayin (8ch) [fixed media]
Ex Nihilo in Ghost Sound compilation by Unheard Records [track] 
GF035: Sáof at RadioWORM [mix]
Sarid (14ch) [fixed media]
Echo of the zero and the second hundred: delusions of wondering rumble (8ch) [sound installation]
RAD [composition for rotating speaker]
Ultra-Sonic-Face [composition]
the bird feeder [track]

>portfolio 2023
Live performance

Tselem Enosh 

>Prints & graphics
>Field trips / recording

>sound design

Dilating Arcana [soon]
Gnezdo  [soon]
Two horses, Soundscape, w/ Juliette Hengst [Korzo theatre]
