
Liza Kuzyakova is a composer, performer, researcher, and curator based in The Netherlands. Basing her sound practice in between multichannel electro-acoustic composition and live performance, her work relates to sonic deconstruction and histories of sound in the instrumental space, traces and distortions of material. With a passion for extreme music, she is an active member of the experimental music scene in The Hague, where she curates a series of live performance events - KRAH.

Her solo musical project Sáof originates around piercing sonic realms of drone/noise, and she is half of Tselem Enosh, an industrial/power electronics duo.

Liza is a frequent collaborator of Amos Peled and has presented her works in a variety of contexts including contemporary dance, performance art, short films, and exhibitions such as Gaudeamus Festival, Rewire Festival, NDT, iii, Grey Space in the Middle, Buda BXL.


Photo by Antonia Valentina, The Hague, 2021



2022-present - Sonic Ruins. How can an architectural ruin become a metaphor for sonic material? With support of Studio LOOS, The Hague
2022-present - Marginal sound: on underground comminities and experimental music 


10/2021 - Residency and workshop w Peter Kirn, Unheard Records, WORM Studio, Rotterdam
05/2021 - Unthinking/ Unlearning. New sonic theories and praxis, Klammklang label & Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (M.A.) at the Universitat der Kunste Berlin and Sound Art and Sound Studies (M.A.) at HSE Art and Design School, Moscow



>> Premiering Sarid, a 13-channel multichannel piece >> for 'The Tar Pits'
      Buda BXL, Brussels, Belgium, June 4

>> Sound Installation, composition for acoustics of the 200m tunnel
      Het HEM, Zaandam, Netherlands, May 27-29

>> Live performance, Sáof, at 'Spring Ahead: The Afterlife IV, Sunset Rites'
     Kunstapel, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 21

>> Live performance, Sáof  
     Crawl Space, Villa te Koop, The Hague, Netherlands, April 16

>> Live performance & installation w Juliette Hengst
      Korzo theatre, The Hague, Netherlands, April 5

>> Live performance w Amos Peled
      Melkwegstraat 16, The Hague, Netherlands, Febraury 19

>> Release presentation live performance, Unheard Records
      WORM studio, Rotterdam, Netherlands, November 18


>> Premiering Yesh me'Ayin, an 8-channel composition
      Arnold Schönbergzaal, Koninklijk   Conservatorium, May 15
>> Ghosts appear ocasionally w Hilde Wollenstein, Moving Downstairs
      Grey Space in the Middle,  The Hague, Netherlands, Febraury 27


>> Live performance as Kankar (roads)
     the Annastatte studio, The Hague, 12/12/2020
>> Listening session for yin yoga class with Lara Levi 
      Moscow, 19/08/2020 


Transmitter at FutureLab, West Bund Art Centre, Shanghai 05/12/2020 – 13/12/2020
Foundations: 100 years after VKhUTEMAS, Moscow, 10/11/2020 – 22/01/2021
E-wor(l)d, Bukvodom, Moscow, 17/11/19
RHAD Radio Hopes And Dreams, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, 09-10/11/19
Moscow calling, Ps Mirabel & Bunker gallery, Manchester, UK, 05-08/05/19
BHSAD Pre-Degree Show, Foundation Art&Design, Artplay, Moscow, June 2018


Workshop on sound design: Listening to film with Sara Pinheiro, The Hague, 2021
Workshop Sound Engineering in Electro-Acoustic Music with Marko Uzunovski, The Hague, 2020
Сourse Theory of sound: Likbez, SA))_studio, Moscow, 2019
Workshop Field Recording with Justin Bennet, The Hague, 2018

BA Sonology, Koninklijk Conservatorium, Den Haag, 2020-2024
BA ArtScience interfaculty, Royal Academy and Conservatoire The Hague, Netherlands, 2018-2019
Fine Art Foundation Art&Design, British Higher School of Art&Design, Moscow, Russia, 2017-2018


Production assistant to iii (Instrument Inventors Initiative) for Proximity Music & Rewire Festival, The Hague, 2023
Technical assistant with Unheard records at the WORM Studio, Rotterdam, 2021
Intern at the Electronics Workshop, Royal Conservatoire The Hague,  2021-2022
Assistant art director, print-market Vkus Bumagi, Moscow, 2016-2021
Assistant art director, art-market Supermarket, Moscow, 2019
Volunteer, Todays Art festival of art, music and technology, The Hague, 2019
Assistant art director, print-market Print-Addiction, Moscow, 2018
Assistant curator of the educational program, International Contemporary Art Fair Cosmoscow, Moscow, 2017
Volunteer, print-market State of Print, Moscow, 2017
Volunteer, Golden Bee Moscow Global Biennale of Graphic Design, Moscow, 2016