
May 27-29
>> Sound Installation
     Het HEM, Zaandam, Netherlands

April 5
>> Installation and theatrical performance, collaboration w
     Juliette Hengst
     Korzo theatre, The Hague, Netherlands

Echo of the zero and the second hundred: delusions of wondering rumble

8 ch, 12’5 
Sound installation, Het HEM, Zaandam, Netherlands

Taking place from the middle of the long tunnel, a sound system spreads for 75 meters, merging acoustical spaces into a whole vibrating continuity. A composition for the acoustics of the tunnel, the 'Echo of the zero..' originates from a small resonating room and dramatically expands to evoke a response of the space all along its joints.

Two horses, Soundscape
Installation and theatrical performance,  Korzo theatre, The Hague, Netherlands
sculptures: Juliette Hengst
sound: Elizaveta Kuzyakova

                                   Performance at Korzo theatre, w Juliette Hengst 

Research project on RAD speaker (Rotating Audio Device by Robert Pravda), Studio LOOS, The Hague, April-June 2022